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Tag: Electrical Safety Training

Training Electrical Safety

Training Electrical Safety

Detail Program Training Electrical Safety: Kecelakaan atau kebakaran yang banyak terjadi di berbagai perusahaan sebagian besar disebabkan oleh listrik. Disamping sebagai sumber energi sebaguna, listrik merupakan sumber inheren berbahaya apabila tidak ditangani secara tepat. Akibat yang paling fatal dari kejadian tersebut adalah jumlah kerugian material yang sangat besar. Sebenarnya hal ini dapat dicegah apabila dalam suatu perusahaan memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah keamanan, khususnya dalam hal ini di bidang electrical, berbagai kerusakan properti dapat dicegah secara efektif. Berkenaan dengan bahaya-bahaya listrik terhadap pekerja, sudah ada standar tersendiri, yaitu OHSAS yang mewajibkan perusahaan untuk memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan Electrical Safety kepada pekerjanya. Adapun pekerja...
Petroleum Project Economics & Risk Analysis Training

Petroleum Project Economics & Risk Analysis Training

Civil & Contruction, Engineering, Industrial, Mechanical, Oil & Gas, Safety and Industrial, Technicial
Deskripsi Petroleum Project Economics & Risk Analysis Training - This program teaches participants how to analyze, in a practical and realistic manner, the financial performance of oil and gas investments from both project and corporate perspectives. Attendees are asked to build financial models for typical oil and gas projects, calculate the standard measures of project performance (PV, IRR), and incorporate all project risks into the analysis using such processes as tornado diagrams, decision trees, scenario analysis, portfolio analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation. During this one-week program participants will learn, in a practical and realistic manner, how to analyze the financial performance of oil and gas investments from both the project and corporate reporting perspectives. ...